In times of capitalistic regulation in which even the critical role of artistic operations are capitalized and functionalized, it has to be questioned how alternative spaces in society are possible through artistic research and artistic intervention.

In the capitalistic hegemony the economic issues and control structures are not always visible or obvious nevertheless they include almost all strata of the collective and individual being.

The premise of my research and artistic operation is, that space is the main condition of thinking and non-spaces are opened in artworks. A non-space is a discontinuity of physical and immaterial structures through translation activity of artistic operations and initiates reflection and alternative mental processes and thus autonomy.

Artistic research is artistic practice in continuing translation activity and consequently, investigations lead to different aesthetical decisions commencing alternative processes as artistic operations visualize structures and relations of the given context and generate a different condition.

For my work, the examination of architectural and abstract spaces as we know them from mathematics, geometries and in scientific representations as well as in textual structures is fundamental. These spaces or structures reflect on the one hand the structures of mental processes, on the other hand, they are the limits of our thinking and our imaginations.

A specific architecture is an archive. An archive is an architecture of knowledge and therefore fundamental for control as relations are structured by judgments in categories defining reality and values.

Non-space is generated in artistic production if in artistic operations utopian views are focused on essential qualities inherent in all human beings. An explanation of the non-space could be the translation activity of artistic operations in different formal languages. Here is effected discontinuity in the representation of the world. This “gap” stimulates self – reflection of the perceiver and initiates a different mental process, as the artwork has to be constituted in the head of the viewer.

It has to be investigated how research and activities in the field of aesthetics provide a condition of possibilities of autonomous decisions and can insist on the transformation process.

The exploration proposition of the multitude of concepts and functions of architectonic space in its physical and intangible forms is, that transformation processes are commencing with mental processes and those are depending on space.

The knowledge-based society is operating largely with virtual space as a base for communication, socialization, and knowledge and therefore the concept of archive becomes more important.

Archives are spaces or structures where signs of the conceptualized space are organized. Archives are architectures of knowledge and structured by categories and judgments, generating spaces in which reality takes place.

The here proposed solution as alternative process space is that autonomy and authenticity are part of an aesthetical concept and the condition of possibility is the non-space which artistic operations and productions offer through a formal translation discontinuity.

The mise en practice of the research with the archiving method is a visualization of dynamics, structures, and sets of relations. The beginning of an artistic archive will be the textual representation of knowledge and implemented in site-specific and public art operations in architectural organizations of different social situations. Other formal expressions and categories of an open archive will be elaborated to produce alternative approaches to the topic of autonomy in a discussion. Moreover, the documentation of the study in varying formats will result in a publication.

Participation in the non-space should be possible for everyone.